Zarifa IQ Massager Pro VI
Many of us suffer from chronic back and other aches. In some countries, 80% of women are prone to chronic pains as they age. Until now, medicines and surgery were the only solutions to these problems. However, medicines aren't effective in the long run. Doctors prescribe high dosage pills to patients suffering from acute pains, and these are 100% curable.
On the other hand, if the pain is chronic, medicines only cannot reverse the pain. Pain is called chronic when it sustains a certain span in your body. It is the indication that something has malfunctioned inside your body. Maybe a muscle, joint, or bone is problematic. In these cases, surgeries or other painful procedures are performed on the patients to get rid of the pain. However, none of them has been completely successful. You can also read TENS UNIT ELECTRODE PLACEMENT GUIDE.
You are able to use your HSA or FSA to purchase this product.

TENS Unit Review
The Iq massager pro VI model of Zarifa comes with a number of massage modes from our TENS and EMS units. The best part of this model is that its wearable technology provides people with instant relief throughout the day. In this way they can perform their routine tasks without using any medication. So, the people who are in search of the perfect solution for their pain must go for Zarifa.
When we talk about the Zarifa iq massager pro VI model then it is portable and conveniently small. You can easily place it in your pocket or attach it to your purse or belt. The best part of this product is that it has a maximum amount of wattage and power as compared to other models in the market. It is available in two decent colors that is rose gold and silver. So, the process model is one of the effective yet stylish TENS/EMS units options for you.
In this model, the pro connectors are there to help out the 0.5W TENS and EMS signals. So, you should not miss out this powerful 18 mode massager to heal your pains using TENS and EMS signals. In this Zarifa iq massager pro VI model, you will find the best design of Zarifa Oxygen sensor pads which are there for the prescription strength therapy. To activate the process, you need to stimulate a wider area of nerves over an extended period. You will feel relief in your pain through the TENS and EMS units and it has been proven that it is an extraordinary product to relieve labor pain, period pain, Postoperative pain neck pain back pain and joint.

IQ Massager Pro V Health Benefits
Experience instant relief with the portable Zarifa iQ Massager Pro VI. This wearable device offers a variety of massage modes, providing a medication-free solution for pain. With maximum power and stylish design in rose gold and silver, it stands out among other models. Equipped with pro connectors and 18 modes, it utilizes TENS and EMS signals for effective pain relief. The Zarifa iQ Massager Pro VI features Oxygen sensor pads for prescription-strength therapy, targeting a wider area of nerves. It has proven effectiveness in relieving labor pain, period pain, postoperative pain, neck pain, back pain, and joint pain. Don't miss out on this extraordinary product for ultimate pain relief.

12 Different Pain Therapy Routines
Kneading • Acupuncture • Tapping • Cupping • Combo Massage • Swedish Massage • Thai Massage • Korean Massage • Shiatsu Massage • Relax Massage • Foot Massage • Sport Massage (1-3) • Hand Massage (1-3) • Scraping

The exclusive design of this oxygen sensor pad is the attractive feature of TENS and EMS units that deliver the prescription strength level of therapy. In order to activate the iq massager Pro VI model, you need to stimulate a greater area of nerves over an extended period.
In a precise and controlled manner, the Zarifa oxygen sensor pads work together with silver circuits thereby optimizing the high powered neuro stimulation.

Recovery Process Engineering
The basic purpose of designing this product is to improve the health of people by using advanced IQ massager technology. We are very sincere in helping the people who suffer from severe pain and their lives are disturbed due to this chronic pain. So, we have come up with this amazing product for all such people who want to say goodbye to their pain forever.
The amazing combination of TENS and EMS technology can assist in these symptoms and more:
Neck pain • Frozen Shoulder • Sciatica Issues • Tense quads and hamstrings • Sore feet and Plantar Fasciitis • Cramped stomach Muscles • Degenerative Disc Disease • Lower Back Pain •
Inflammation • Tennis Elbow • Bursitis • Fibromyalgia
Until now, doctors and the public were worried because backaches, knee aches leading to arthritis were getting out of hand. Well, not now! TENS and EMS pro VI massagers, like many others, have come to the rescue. It is an amalgamation of two powerful weapons against pains and stiffness. TENS stands for transcutaneous nerve stimulation, and it is linked to the stimulus, which in our case, is the pain.
TENS or electric pulse massager messes with the pain signals that are carried to the brain. If the central nervous system fails to receive pain signals, you won't feel the sensation, and no response will be generated. Pro VI massager, similarly, numbs the sensation of pain by providing low electric impulses to the target area.
EMS pads are slightly different from TENS
Electrical muscle stimulation is another mechanism that helps in pain relief and is used in collaboration with TENS in the IQ massager. ESM, like TENS, utilizes low-power electric impulses to counter the pain in a target area. However, it's the mechanism of action that differentiates both the techniques.
In ESM, we don't target the stimulus signals but allows the target muscle to mimic the response generated by the CNS. It contracts the muscle, and this movement works against the pain. Summing up, ESM manipulates the motor pathway, but TENS meddles with the sensory pathway of a reflex arc.
Pro massagers are a delightful combination of both
Technology is getting better every day, and medicine is not lagging behind. Iq massager pro VI includes both these mechanisms to cope with chronic pains, and by using it, the patient feels better in no time.
How does it all work?
Cooked with both revolutionizing technologies, TENS, and EMS, these units first block the nerve impulses carrying pain signals from the target area to the brain. Now, if no signal reaches the brain, no response will be authorized. The EMS plays its part here and artificially makes the muscle (or other target areas) to provide the response just like it is supposed to do when ordered by the brain.
What can it cure?
With this portable magical tool, you can get rid of unbearable sciatica pains. Also, you can be relieved from inflammation, lower back pains, frozen shoulders, and much more.