Cellulite is extremely common, and even though it is harmless, many people with cellulite seek ways to reduce its visibility for aesthetic reasons. While there are treatments available to reduce cellulite, these treatments often require complicated and potentially unsafe methods. To avoid invasive procedures, many people turn to massage therapy. However, do massage guns help with cellulite? Read on to learn what you need to know about massage guns as a treatment for cellulite.
What Is Cellulite?
You may have heard the term cellulite before but not known exactly what it refers to. Cellulite is a harmless, extremely common skin condition in which the thighs, hips, buttocks, abdomen, arms, and sometimes breasts appear dimply or lumpy from fat below the skin. Typically, those with cellulite experience bumpy or dimpled skin often compared with the coarse outer layer of an orange or lemon.
There are different grades of cellulite. Grade one—or mild cellulite—symptomizes in coarse skin with a slightly draped appearance. Grade two—or moderate cellulite—results in five to nine medium-depth depressions with an average draped appearance. Finally, Grade three—or severe cellulite—features ten or more deep depressions with serious drapes.
Cellulite is most commonly present in postpubescent women, but anybody can have it. However, because men have a predisposition to thicker skin, less than 10 percent of men have the condition. In contrast, approximately 80 to 90 percent of women experience cellulite at some point in their lives.
Various causes of cellulite have been found, including hormones and genetics. Also, differing lifestyle choices, physiology, metabolism, and sex-specific skin architecture can further play a role in determining who has cellulite.
As previously mentioned, cellulite has no adverse side effects; symptoms are purely cosmetic. However, many people feel self-conscious about their appearance, and cellulite often plays a larger role in self-perceptions about weight and fitness.
Common Treatments
Again, it’s important to note cellulite has no adverse effects on the body. While purely a cosmetic issue, there are treatments available.
Common treatments often include cosmetic alterations to smoothen the skin lesions and improve the skin’s appearance. Laser treatments have proven to be effective in using heat to destroy fat bands and smooth depressions for six months to a year. Acoustic wave therapy is another common treatment option involving a hand-held transducer device and therapeutic gel over the area to break up the cellulite. Patients often need several sessions before seeing noticeable results. If you’re unhappy with these treatments, you can also opt for subcision surgery and fat grafting to separate the fibrous cellulite bands and smooth the skin. All of these treatments, however, can feel pretty invasive and cost quite a bit.
Massage Therapy and Cellulite
This is where massage guns enter as a helpful, relaxing treatment for cellulite. Massage guns may prove a viable, safe alternative to many surgeries for breaking up cellulite in the affected areas. So while research is limited, what you need to know is that massage guns probably do help with cellulite, given the way they affect skin lesions and muscle tissue.
Massage guns offer pulsating percussive movements that help circulate blood and soften muscle tissue. While they have not been shown to directly break up cellulite in the same ways as surgery or laser treatments, they can indirectly target areas that contribute to cellulite’s development.
For instance, the increased blood circulation improves skin appearance and skin cell rejuvenation. Also, reduced pain and muscle therapy strengthen the areas for long-term benefits. Given that stress and obesity are two common causes of cellulite, massage guns prevent wear and tear on the body and can help promote relaxation. Both are crucial factors in inhibiting cellulite from developing.
How To Use a Massage Gun for Cellulite
Massage guns often come with multiple head attachments and settings, so it can be confusing to properly use a massage gun to help circumvent cellulite.
While you want to ensure deep-rooted massage techniques, you don’t need to rush it. In fact, start slow. Then gradually adjust your massage gun to a medium speed using a ball or flat-head attachment. Slowly apply pressure to the affected area. The pulsations should remain strong but not painful. Lightly move the massager around the area, maintaining pressure. Small circular motions help cover all affected areas.
You can adjust the speed and intensity based on your preferences, but remember not to increase the massage gun’s intensity to the point where you feel pain or discomfort. Finally, after a few minutes, stop and assess the area to ensure no bruising, residual pain, or swelling occur. You may need to repeat this process a few times throughout the day for a few weeks to see results.
What Else To Know
Remember that massage guns are not meant for immediate cellulite removal. There is not enough research on cellulite treatments to ensure permanent results, but massage guns can provide a safer, cheaper alternative to surgery or laser treatments.
Massage therapy and massage gun treatments are therapeutic in nature. They are meant to treat cellulite with daily use over a prolonged period. However, it’s also important to note that, to see the best results, you must consider other lifestyle factors too. Diet, exercise, and good lifestyle habits further lessen cellulite. Refraining from alcohol, tobacco, and other similar substances also lead to healthier skin. Additionally, staying away from high-fat processed foods, such as most fast foods, and maintaining a diet of lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fat sources is also beneficial. Not only will this improve your natural energy levels, but these foods have vitamins and minerals necessary for healthy skin.
While cellulite may trigger self-esteem issues in some who have it, remember that your body is unique to you. Appreciate all that your body does for you and treat it kindly.
If you’re looking for a great recovery massage gun to soothe your body and help with cellulite control, check us out at Zarifa. We have a wide selection of medical-grade massage guns available. Each has its own carrying case and features a long battery life, quiet motors, and powerful percussion techniques for muscles, body pain, and overall support. All of our massage guns are HAS and FSA compliant. Check out our selection today!